Don't be misled by the name, this isn't just for students. No, no, no. Anyone who wants to see these films either for the first time on the big screen, or to relive that cinema magic is welcome. The tickets are at student PRICE. Hence the name.
Our goal is to show the films you want to see on the big screen. However, this is not always possible. Be it the age of the print or for no reason that we can ascertain (like Terminator 2 which is just not possible to get) we can not show every film that is suggested, but for every 10 suggestions there are 7 or 8 that we can show, so don't be put off.
Although the first Student Screen show was on the 8th of February, that night had been in the works since November 2002. It's not easy to pinpoint the exact reasoning behind starting Student Screen, though our personal desire to see the films that have been shown and are being shown in the future on the big screen was a big factor. We approached the General Manager of the Odeon in Stoke-on-Trent and spoke about the options with organizing such an evening. Everyone at the Odeon was behind the event and supported us as we went about arranging, designing and promoting Student Screen and Donnie Darko in the build up to Student Screen's premiere. We have complete control over everything that happens with Student Screen.
We want to have a healthy balance of the films we show from 80s films to films from last year, from comedy to balls out action. All we want is to show the films that we think people really want to see.
Hopefully Student Screen will continue for some time to come and will spread like an airborne monkey virus to other Odeons so that everyone can enjoy these classic films again as they should be seen.
- Andrew Elkin & Andrew Davidson
Harbingers of airborne monkey viruses