Drama. What begins as a pleasent afternoon cycle becomes a tense stand-off between Justin, Miranda who has been left for dead and The Driver who wants to assure his freedom.
Drama. James Hadley is running from a past that is threatening to reappear. Will a chance encounter with the mysterious Lara force him to face his fear?
Romance. When Steven Jacobs is challenged about his views on love poetry, he takes it upon himself to convince a room of cynics that true love is real.
Comedy. Angelica must sit her Angel exam in the Limbo waiting room. A quirky and intriguing look at the business of sorting souls.
THEY'RE HERE // Pre-production
Horror. Scared, alone and hiding from someone or something out to kill her, a girl phones the only person she wants to speak to when all is at an end.
THE SOLDIER // Development
Drama. Lt. Peter Harding is left for dead after a battle that should never have happened in Normandy, 1944. Out of rations, medical aid and losing his mind he captures Laurette, an eight-year-old French girl.
DEATH DO US PART // Development
Romantic Comedy. A comedy of life and death. After the sudden death of best friend Alex, Joss goes through with his plans to marry girlfriend Morena.