It is a little recognized fact that the production that became Autumn Heart started out as an idea that has now evolved into The Musicals. The production team, who lost Pamela Hopley after LiMBO but gained Angie Dean and Kim Hanson, were fully aware that having won a Highly Commended Production award from JVC for LiMBO meant that they had to pull something special out of the bag with their follow up. A ten-minute musical was deemed too special and eventually Autumn Heart started to form as it is today.
From the very start of production the idea was brought up that it would be nice at the end the film, and also their final year at university, that they could not only take away a degree but also a DVD of their film which will collect together all the work they had done in one place. As ambitious as Autumn Heart was to be compared to LiMBO, the DVD would be likewise. The one thing that any movie DVD should have is a 'Making Of' documentary. So why should Autumn Heart be any different.
The problem was that the production team would be far too busy making an actual film to make a documentary of themselves doing so. Andrew Davidson called upon his friend Ross Lucas to follow the production and capture the makings of the film. The 10 hours of footage shot by Lucas will forever give the cast and crew a window into the past at the fear, pain, disappointment, struggle and ultimately joy of creating a film that did what they set out and was better than LiMBO and won the Best Film award from JVC that year.
The plans for the Autumn Heart DVD were to have it more encompassing of the production, and to have greater involvement with the entire crew. With the documentary being the jewel of the DVD crown it was the first feature to go into production. Andrew Davidson, who had the day before just finished re-editing the film back to it's full fifteen minute version (it had to be cut down by the editors to fit the requirements of the university), spent eight days going through the tapes at night and editing through the day to create the half hour 'making of' film. He cut it close too, as the day after it was complete was the commentary recording day and it was decided that it would be fun to lay down a track for the documentary. The commentary featured Davidson, Katherine Reeve, Tom Reynolds and actor Darren McAree and offered further details, insight and laughs as the assembled speakers poked fun at themselves and those who weren't there. Katherine Reeve and Andrew Davidson then recorded an audio commentary for the extended cut of the film offering comments specifically about the script and the process of writing. This was followed by Davidson recording a commentary with Darren McAree where the two spoke more specifically about making the film. Lastly Tom Reynolds was joined by guest Richard Allan, who was a technical advisor on the film. Unfortunately, due to space constraints on the disc the commentary that Tom and Richard recorded never made it to disc.
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With the big features sorted, Michael Buxton once more came on board and like the entire Autumn Heart production was determined to make the menus bigger, better and grander than his work on LiMBO. There was more involved, a lot more. In all Mike created over 20 menus for the disc. So big was the production becoming that the building of the disc and the creation of the features were going on simultaneously. Davidson would consult with Buxton on one computer, and then spend the rest of his time on another putting together the extras. The full list of features on the disc were:
- The original 10 minute cut.
- The extended 15 minute cut (plus two commentaries)
- 30 minute 'Making Of' documentary
- Animatic (plus commentary)
- Spotlight on Darren McAree
- Gag Reel
- Teaser Trailer
- Full Trailer
- Colour Test
- Deleted Scene
- Location Recce
- Photo montage
Somewhere during discussions on the DVD it was thought that it would be made available for sale, but due to copyright issues it was decided that it would be made solely for the cast and crew of the film. Where LiMBO only had 3 discs made, Autumn Heart had 30. Michael then designed the cover packaging and label for the disc and it was complete.
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LiMBO also featured on the disc as an Easter Egg, but without the 2002 commentary.
Part 2: Coming soon...
It was the professional construction and design of the Autumn Heart disc that led directly to the creation of the Quondam DVD - but how could it top what's gone before...?